Faith is a funny thing. It can cause someone to give away all their money to a budding orphanage, or it can cause them to strap dynamite to their bodies and run into a public place and blow the fuse. It can cause many things, but no matter what you believe in, whether it be Christianity, or Islam, or even atheism, you've gotta have faith. For Christianity, it's faith that God is watching out for us, and that He loves us, and that we can give it all to Him and He will bless us. For Islam, it may be faith that killing all those "infidels" will really bring you to a place full of virgins, all for yourself. And even atheism, you've gotta have faith in the fact that religion isn't true, that you're the only one controlling your destiny; you've gotta have faith in yourself.
Now, one may say an Islamic person's display of faith is the greatest. That they would be willing to die for what they believe their god says is right, killing hundreds of people, seems like a pretty radical show of faith. But that's dying for your god; that's the easy thing.
Living for your God is a little bit tougher. Take George Muller for instance, a man who, albeit in his teenage years, lived a life for Satan, grew up to be a very Godly man. His faith is absolutely astounding. He gave away everything, built orphanages to protect little children and teach them about God, and trusted in God for EVERY expense that he and his orphanages would need. This man had a family, and many people he cared about that were relying on him. Did he freak? Did he waver? Did he beg for money? Never. This man relied so solely on God, it seems almost impossible. He prayed to God for everything, even the little things he needed, and guess what? God always showed up and answered what Muller asked for; he provided for his family, and everything Muller started, that was in line with God's will, God provided for. And Muller would pray for days, just to check and see if what he thought of was something God wanted him to do. That, my friends, is a tough display of faith.
And any of you believers that the atheist has the toughest display of faith, there's right and wrong to that. While his faith is in nothing that grand, it's still tough. To have to trust in yourself for everything? Can you imagine how tough that is? You're always going to let yourself down eventually, because you just can't work things out like God can. And to have so much faith that there is no other thing to have faith in, that there is no being out there watching out for us. That's tough. It may be the hardest faith to have, because you're always let down. It doesn't always put you in the toughest positions, but it is the most tough to keep up. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ never lets you down.
Now, I've realised I've left out something vital, that could throw this whole blog. What is the definition of faith? Well, Webster's says this:
Faith is, basically, believing. My favorite definition there is "firm belief in something for which there is no proof", cause really, that's what is. We really don't have any specific proof, per say, that God exists. As much as I'd love to say it, I really can't. However, I will say without a doubt that God exists. Because I have faith. I have a firm belief in something(God), for which I have no proof of.
In fact, come to think of it, you almost can't call what atheists have faith. Because what they believe in, technically, has proof. Because they believe in them. And there is proof that they exist. But they also believe that there is no God, and really, there's no proof for that. That's the only reason I can honestly say they have faith. And it's a sad faith. I can't honestly see why anyone would openly choose to believe there's nobody out there watching out for them. It's comforting. Just because there's no proof for it doesn't mean we shouldn't believe in it.
And really, there is proof; not super legit proof that flat out tells us God exists. But there's the little things. Little miracles. A woman, who survives cancer that should have killed her long ago, just long enough to spend time with her new born nephew. A girl being stabbed, and sent to the hospital, only to find that she has tumours in her body, that, if gone unfounded even a little longer, would have killed her. A man, losing something to help him realise what he really has. Or a breakup, showing you that what you had and had wanted for a long time wasn't really what you wanted. A friend, encouraging someone to step back from what they think of as a hellhole, and see that their life is really just a Heaven hole, with hell surrounding it. Or even just a smile, from across the street, to let someone see the beauty in the world once again.
On a happier note, I figured out how to tie my tie :) And I made a little story to help!
Cross the rabbit with the turtle, inside the rabbit's home. The rabbit comes out of the hole, and is next to a new turtle. He runs around the back of the turtle back into his hole. Then runs around the first turtle, pops out of his hole, and into the bomb bunker in front of his house, because the British turtles are coming!
Sadly, the length, I still haven't gotten down. I am testing hypothesies though!
(P.S. Thanks Dom!)
Now, one may say an Islamic person's display of faith is the greatest. That they would be willing to die for what they believe their god says is right, killing hundreds of people, seems like a pretty radical show of faith. But that's dying for your god; that's the easy thing.
Living for your God is a little bit tougher. Take George Muller for instance, a man who, albeit in his teenage years, lived a life for Satan, grew up to be a very Godly man. His faith is absolutely astounding. He gave away everything, built orphanages to protect little children and teach them about God, and trusted in God for EVERY expense that he and his orphanages would need. This man had a family, and many people he cared about that were relying on him. Did he freak? Did he waver? Did he beg for money? Never. This man relied so solely on God, it seems almost impossible. He prayed to God for everything, even the little things he needed, and guess what? God always showed up and answered what Muller asked for; he provided for his family, and everything Muller started, that was in line with God's will, God provided for. And Muller would pray for days, just to check and see if what he thought of was something God wanted him to do. That, my friends, is a tough display of faith.
And any of you believers that the atheist has the toughest display of faith, there's right and wrong to that. While his faith is in nothing that grand, it's still tough. To have to trust in yourself for everything? Can you imagine how tough that is? You're always going to let yourself down eventually, because you just can't work things out like God can. And to have so much faith that there is no other thing to have faith in, that there is no being out there watching out for us. That's tough. It may be the hardest faith to have, because you're always let down. It doesn't always put you in the toughest positions, but it is the most tough to keep up. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ never lets you down.
Now, I've realised I've left out something vital, that could throw this whole blog. What is the definition of faith? Well, Webster's says this:
- 1faith
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈfāth\
- Function:
- noun
- Inflected Form(s):
- plural faiths \ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
- Etymology:
- Middle English feith, from Anglo-French feid, fei, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust — more at bide.
- Date:
- 13th century
— on faith
: without question on faith>
Faith is, basically, believing. My favorite definition there is "firm belief in something for which there is no proof", cause really, that's what is. We really don't have any specific proof, per say, that God exists. As much as I'd love to say it, I really can't. However, I will say without a doubt that God exists. Because I have faith. I have a firm belief in something(God), for which I have no proof of.
In fact, come to think of it, you almost can't call what atheists have faith. Because what they believe in, technically, has proof. Because they believe in them. And there is proof that they exist. But they also believe that there is no God, and really, there's no proof for that. That's the only reason I can honestly say they have faith. And it's a sad faith. I can't honestly see why anyone would openly choose to believe there's nobody out there watching out for them. It's comforting. Just because there's no proof for it doesn't mean we shouldn't believe in it.
And really, there is proof; not super legit proof that flat out tells us God exists. But there's the little things. Little miracles. A woman, who survives cancer that should have killed her long ago, just long enough to spend time with her new born nephew. A girl being stabbed, and sent to the hospital, only to find that she has tumours in her body, that, if gone unfounded even a little longer, would have killed her. A man, losing something to help him realise what he really has. Or a breakup, showing you that what you had and had wanted for a long time wasn't really what you wanted. A friend, encouraging someone to step back from what they think of as a hellhole, and see that their life is really just a Heaven hole, with hell surrounding it. Or even just a smile, from across the street, to let someone see the beauty in the world once again.
On a happier note, I figured out how to tie my tie :) And I made a little story to help!
Cross the rabbit with the turtle, inside the rabbit's home. The rabbit comes out of the hole, and is next to a new turtle. He runs around the back of the turtle back into his hole. Then runs around the first turtle, pops out of his hole, and into the bomb bunker in front of his house, because the British turtles are coming!
Sadly, the length, I still haven't gotten down. I am testing hypothesies though!
(P.S. Thanks Dom!)
1 comment:
Great post, Mike! I love it.
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