Thursday, January 08, 2009

What About Him?

I have this really cool idea for a music video that's rushing around in my head, has been for a few days... I don't really have a song for it. But it's just a cool aspect. It's a bit dark I guess, which isn't necessarily me, but overall the idea is really neat I think... Let me know what you think.

Okay, so it starts out with this kid on a ledge. He's thinking about all the crap going on in his life right now. A few flashes say, of some bad things going on. And then he leans forward. And then it flashes back to his family. They crowd around him in the street, weeping. It fastforwards a little bit to his funeral, shows how sad it's brought them. Rewinds to when he was alive. It shows the love, sometimes the love he didn't even notice, that they showed him. Back to the funeral, this time focusing on a girl. His girlfriend. It shows her grieving, crying by his casket. It fast forwards to her sinking down in life, failing school. It rewinds, shows the love she showed him; shows all the amazing moments they shared. And it's back to the funeral. A little boy, about 5 years younger then him, secretly crying in a seat at the back of the funeral. It fast forwards, showing the kid cutting himself, sinking into depression. It rewinds, showing the kid looking up to him, sort of idolising him, following in his footsteps. And then it flashes back to the funeral one more time. Above the casket is a cross. It rewinds and shows his whole life, every tiny insignificant good thing that happened to him, every amazing thing that happened to him. And then he's back falling. And he lands, but instead of on the street, he's in front of the cross. He looks up, and a magnificent light shines down on him. And he's back on the ledge. He opens the window, and steps inside.

Well? It just presents an interesting image in my mind. The ways suicide really effects people all around you... I'm not really sure where it came from, and I think it's better in my mind than actually being written out. I'm not even sure why. But I don't know. Anyways.

Updates. So yeah, as you probably all have heard, sorry if you haven't; on Saturday, at about 4 AM, my dad had a gallbladder attack, and we had to take him into the hospital. Let me tell you, seeing my dad writhing in pain like that... It was one of the saddest sights I've seen. It's like seeing the weakness of Superman, when he's confronted with Kryptonite. Nobody likes to see their heroes hurting.
The hospital was crazy busy, and he had to wait nearly seven hours to get a room and some morphine, but finally, he was on pain meds, and able to sleep, and feel no pain :) They scheduled a surgery for the next day to remove the gallbladder, and it went through without a hitch, and he's now back home safe and sound. Still on a bit of a diet, waiting for the old liver to get a slap in the face and realise he's just been promoted. Not the promotion with more pay though, just more work.
In other news, Christmas was pretty awesome. Got some good stuffs, like an ipod, which now broke, but we're turning it in :). Gave some awesome stuff, even ventured into making gifts a bit, although most failed, although I did succesfully create one, or semi-succesfully, I don't know how well it will hold together! Sadly, the day after Christmas was quite a bummer. My little cousin Brodie had gotten sick the day before, although we weren't sure how at the time. The day after Christmas though, my grandma, and my uncle(Brodie's dad), both caught it too. Major bummer, it was not a pleasant sickness. And it wasn't that good to have, what with our poor mum having a rather non-existant immune system. She survived with minor damages though, as did we all, and our house is now quite sanitary(except that our recent cleaning ladies did a terrible job, but that's a different story), and safe for re-use! And living in, thankfully.
New Years Eve was a blast. We had a great group of people over, played games, sang worship songs, and had a toast as it hit midnight to a blessed new year! Shortly after, a few of us guys ripped off our shirts(refrain from any dreamy imagery you may be having ;)), and ran down our street shouting happy new year! It was quite fun. Doug ended up sleeping over afterwards since he was unable to get a ride, and we stayed up till about 5, when we crashed. Needless to say, the New Year started out pretty dang well. I'm excited for 2009! It has some good potential, especially after the crazy 2008.
I'd like to reminisce(have no idea how to spell that, grr) about 2008, but frankly, I don't have the time, because it's 2 AM! I can't get to bed though :/ I slept sooo much today. But I'll be out soon for sure.
I would like to say a few things about 2009; just quick frank things. For one, my biggest goal is just to grow even close to God this year; SOS and all the church things we did, and the church itself, and friends, really helped me this year, and I hope it will continue this year! Also, I hope to make a bigger headway through the Bible. I'm still just in Leviticus, but I'm making my way through! I also want to actually be able to play a song, I don't know what yet, on the drums, instead of just beats. And finally, I hope to start writing more. That includes blogs, poems, songs, stories, journalling, just anything. We shall see how that progresses.
Anyway, this is quite long, so I'll cut it off here!



Anonymous said...

Great post, Mike! I really like the music video idea. And you have great goals for 2009 - go for it!

Joules Evans said...

Mikey, you are awesome. Your music video sounds like maybe you need to write some lyrics and produce it. It is beautiful and powerful.

Mum is praying for you and your goals. Not to mention, that you learn how to sleep, my little night owl.

I love your writing. And you.

Joules Evans said...
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Joules Evans said...

BTW, I was thinking after we saw Slumdog Millionaire the other day, what if we had that kind of single-heartedness and focus in pursuing God, like Jamal did pursuing Latika? Your post made me think of that again. And you and your goals seem to follow in those cool footsteps. There is a cool chapter by A.W. Tozer about following hard after God that I think you would like. It's on the second bookshelf from the left, second shelf up. first book on the left. The Pursuit of God.

Stacey said...

Wow! After reading that synopsis, I see some future writer/producer/director potential! That's a brilliant idea for a music video, I think it would help sooooo many people see how loved they really are, and how their lives can impact others. I agree with your mom - Write some lyrics! And hey, maybe you can compose your own song on the drums to go with your lyrics and your video!

I'm excited to see how you reach out for your goals this year, and I'll be here to support you ever step of the way!

Anonymous said...

You probably won;t believe this...but, when I was in high school-we had a contest between some friends at my church one week over the summer for the best movie video. Unfortunately no one had video cameras so we had to use slides and sinc it to the music. anyway, we did a video about a boy that was very similar to the one you described, except the boy was at the park in Danville jumping off a 20 foot cliff. I can't remember what song we used.

By the way, we just started a Read through the Bible by Christmas over here. If you would like to join us I can e-amil the schedule to you and you can talk to your cousins about it-for accountability. Let me know.
Aunt Cindy

Becca Marie said...
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Becca Marie said...

HUZZAH for catching up!!:]
And I just wanna say you're like the coolest person EVER! That music video idea is SO fantastically amazing. You don't even know:]
Good 2009 goals! One of mine is reading through the bible.

Becca Marie said...

I totally think you can learn a song on drums. definitely :]

Josh said...

Love it, Mikeh. Love it. We should totally produce/direct it. It would rock the socks of all who would see. :P

Well, its good to hear your resolutions and an update on family life. So, yeah.

Love you!