Monday, March 30, 2009

You know what's frustrating?

Staring back at me, I saw the reflection of a face not unlike my own; if not a bit more rustic. Slowly, preparations were made for a resting of the body, and yet still, those eyes bored into me. Almost as if they knew something I didn't, like there was some hint of dramatic irony, still escaping from me, till it would later be revealed. Brushed my teeth, cleaned my ears, got dressed. Suddenly, it hit me. Silence. My left ear went completely blank. Not a sound echoed from it, not a sound registered in it. Nothing but silence. Loud, audible, screaming silence.

. . .

Okay, so I may have over-exaggerated that to some extent. But no joke, my left ear is clogged up. It has been since Sunday night. It's so frustrating. It makes singing harder, it's hard to listen to music; and I keep missing my alarm when I'm lying on the right ear because I can't hear it. It's FRUSTRATING. And that's what I want to write about today. Frustration. Because I've been heaped on with frustration to no end this week!

But first, per my writing, I need to do a little tangeloo(tangent). This clogged ear I have has made me realize something interesting. Well, interesting to me anyway. It's not that I'm hearing nothing, per say. It's that I'm hearing silence. And man, is it loud. Ironic, no? Silence is louder than what I could actually hear. Or so it seems. Either way, it's ridiculous.

Anyway; frustration. Where to start?

Let's see. Last week, from Tuesday to Saturday morning, we had what was basically a Scott free week. It was most excellent. Y'see, mom and Amanda had gone to Kentucky for Amanda's spring break, and so we guys had the house all to ourselves. As you can imagine, we partied it up a fair amount. And surprisingly, we didn't leave much of a mess, which to me proves that the messes all generate from our maternal figure, and (the big culprit) Amanda. Mom begs to differ, however. Apparently, all my proof doesn't amount to squat when she says I'm wrong. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point. So, big free week, sleep over on the weekend, all fun, right? Well, imagine this. Five guys in three rooms of a house for over 15 hours. It's gonna be messy afterwards. And to top it all off, silly string was involved! As you can imagine, we were rushed for time, since it was Saturday morning, and the girls were due to arrive any minute. Enter stress and frustration, stage left. Actually stage right. Whatever.

With less than an hour to clean up the house, yard, and roof(apparently some of the gutters were clogged, so dad and I climbed up there to clean them up... Let me tell you, dad hanging so close to the roof edge was scaryy!) Nonetheless, being the expert cleaners we are, we got this all mostly done within the hour, in time for them to come home. End of story, right? Wrong. Being very dirty from the gutter cleaning, I had to take a shower. But. We had to leave to go see my friend Taylor in her play, The Seussical, (which was awesome by the way, she was a beast fish, zebra, and hunch!). So, with a very hurried shower, and only 15 minutes to spare, we realize we have yet to get mine and Matt's tickets. Doh! Luckily, they still had some left, and we got there just in time, with a fairly decent seat. Enter, relaxation and enjoying the play, from atop the stage, via wire.

It's all good now right? Nothing left to do, just enjoy the play, and then head home and relax? Wrong. Looks like Matt and I apparently forgot to watch a history lecture. And a test! Try to imagine just how lovely that was. We rushed home after the awesome play, and a brief dinner with Dan and Amanda, and watched a rather boring history lecture on "Distributism", which actually didn't sound half bad. And thus exits Saturday, through the trap door.

Time for Sunday. The lovely day of rest, and worshipping God. This should be a great day, right? Well, not quite. I missed my alarm! Coincidentally, I missed my shower. Luckily, I didn't smell bad, and my hair looked quite alright! So, off to church we went, me only slightly disgruntled. Apparently, it was more than enough to throw me off though. While both of the services were excellent, and I absolutely loved the worship sets, I couldn't connect all day. Something just felt off. Maybe it was me. Probably. I guess I already knew most of what was going to be talked about, or had heard it before. It's a good message, about the church. They talked all about the church being US, the people who join together and praise God; not some silly building we "go" to. You can't "go" to church. You are the church, and the body of Christ. I love that message. Anyway. The rest of the day went mostly pretty smoothly. There was a party at the Otten's, which was a blast. And then we got home. No kids allowed party; the parents were having a nice dinner. So upstairs we went, banned to our rooms for the night. Even that wasn't so bad. And then, that night, it hit me. Silence. "My left ear went completely blank. Not a sound echoed from it, not a sound registered in it. Nothing but silence. Loud, audible, screaming silence." It drove me crazy! If you hadn't seen, a while back, I posted, suffering from this same thing. That, however, only lasted about 15 hours, give or take. This has been going on now for almost three days. It's ridiculous. As much as I want it to go away, it's kind of a cool thing. It's nice to be able to block out all the distractions(at least in one ear) and just chill in silence. That's something I have trouble doing, because my mind is extremely A.D.D. But it's quite nice. I just wish it wasn't such an overbearing sense of silence!

Anyway, Monday went by mostly fine. Co-op was frustrating because I couldn't hear, but loads of fun. Happy birthday Kasey, by the way!

Tuesday is when the biggest frustration set in. And it all relates to one thing. Technology. More specifically, computers. Drive me CRAZY. Matt, Doug and I made a video for Reset, for our unique thing about us, to present, and man! For some reason my computer did not want me to accomplish it! Every time I tried to edit even a little bit, it would shut off. It shut off about 200 times before I succesfully finished editing it. And that wasn't even the worst part! To top it off, I now had to export the movie onto the computer in the right file type, and then burn it to a dvd! Man, was my computer giving me a hard time. Or maybe it was just Adobe Premiere Elements. I'm not sure; but either way: Sooo frustrating. I tell you, I don't get frustrated easy(although this post probably has made it sound like I do), but when I get frustrated, I blow a huge gasket. So, needless to say, gaskets littered the floor before I was done. Finally however, the project was finished, and will be making it's debut tonight at Reset :)

But it brings up an interesting point. The computer part, I mean. Do you realize how centered we are on technology these days? It's somewhat insane, if you view it from an outside source. We're so caught up in our technology, not a day goes by that we get by without it. Imagine a day with no tv, no cellphone, no computer, no ipod, no cd player, no car, nothing! It'd be like being Amish for a day. I don't think I could do that! Giving up just one of those things is hard enough! We're so centered around all this stuff, it's sad. What's going to happen to us if something causes electrical devices to no longer work? We would be a pathetic lump of bored people. Now imagine if, every thing you used electric, you replaced that with something about God? Can you imagine just how intimate and tight we would be with God? That would be like, on Godtube(I realize that actually exists, but using it as a metaphor, so bear with me) 24 hours, seven days a week! What if every time you texted a friend, you said a prayer to God instead? Like texting God! Or every time you watched tv, instead you talked to God, or maybe just yielded to Him and listened for a change. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? Now, I'm not reccommending you become Amish and give up all electronics(however if that's for you, bravo, you're a strong soul than I), but why not take more time in our day for God? I know that's what I strive for. And I'm not good at it, nowhere near perfect. My mind wanders too much. But why not give it a try? You never know what God's trying to show you, if you just listen. :)

((This blog was somewhat a complaint. Sorry. I had to get that out though. Enjoy? :D))

-Mykey! ;)


Anonymous said...

Dude, not going to lie... GREAT post.
You have a right to complain! Sounds like these last couple days have been rather... rough? I guess. But anyway, I enjoyed reading it.
God Bless ya bro.

Joules Evans said...

I love you, Mikey. Sorry you are having a rough few days. Hopefully we'll get something figured out about your ear tomorrow. I'm praying for you, and of course, here for you.

Mikey's Dad said...

That was fun and interesting to read! Like Mom said, we're here for you, even if we can't hear for you.