So, Matt's going to court today; now don't freak out, he didn't do anything crazy bad or whatever. He was just speeding a little bit. Nonetheless, he could(and sadly probably will) get his license taken away for up to five months, although I'm not really sure the length. So I would REALLY love some prayers going out to him today! He's goin' in at two, and I'll probably know the deali-o in about an hour from thence. So I can keep you posted, with the ever-so-clever *EDIT* at the bottom. Look out for it!
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I saw the saddest thing today, while I was watching an incredible youtube video by Michael Gungor:
*I link to Joe's blog, simply because he showed it to me, so I give him credit :)*
Anyway, in the comment's on the Youtube page, there was this one guy who was constantly commenting saying(and I paraphrase): <- (Not a frowny face) "Why do all these Christian artists focus on God's love?? Can't we focus on something else? Like a verse about not judging people because judgement is God's alone?" And then another guy said: "I wish we could move beyond the fact that God sent his only son. There's so much we have yet to discover." Wow. I couldn't help but comment back to that. All I could say was(well, not all, but that was the gist) "Why would you WANT to move beyond that?" I mean sure, there are things about God we haven't figured out. There's a lot of mysteries to God, and a lot of things we'll never figure out till we get to Heaven. But honestly, which excites you more? Personally, I get excited by the fact that GOD IS LOVE. AND HE LOVES EVERYONE. :) Secondly, and this is purely from a musical stand point: do you really think the song would be as melodic if it were about something else? Me personally, I don't think so. But I guess we'll just see. Obviously there are SOME songs that the message is different that are good. All's I'm saying is, I think the thing's that person was looking for(based on his comments) are better found in this little awesome book I like to call THE B-I-B-L-E! Ohh, it's the book for me! Aha. But honestly. I just thought those comments were so sad. I mean. How CAN you even move beyond the fact that well, Jesus died for us? It's too monumental. Too great. It's too amazing. So amazing, makes me wonder why He loves us like he does!(song quote :D, somewhat paraphrased) Anyway. I could rant more and more about that. But it gets stale. Well, sort of. I don't know. Were I to rant, would you think it's stale? If you want a rant, click here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Musica/index.php?act=idx
Click the buttons saying "RANT" and it will lead you to it :)
If not, continue on reading, and skip that URL.
Actually, I'm pretty much done. And while I was making this, I never actually closed it... And it took all day. So there's no real *EDIT* necessary, but I'll add it anyway :)
Matt's license got suspended :/ However, he has permission to drive to both school and work. So that's good :) It's gone till he's 17 though. Pray for him!!
Oh wait. I had more. Sorry!
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So, prom is coming up! To me, this is superbly exciting. Because I've never been to a prom before! One of the negatives of being home-homeschooled. Co-op, they at least have proms :) I'm not going with a date however, but I'm fine with that haha. I've got a GREAT group of friends I'm going with, and really, what more could I ask for at this stage in my life? Anyway, prom is exciting. But I'm nervous. Firstly, because I only got my prom digs yesterday, and prom is Friday. They aren't exactly what I had in mind (first choice was white, second was pinstripe, third was white pinstripe. And it's none of those. XD) But I still really dig it, and I hope it looks good. I don't know why I'm nervous. It's just dancing and hanging out. Epitome of fun :D I'm sure it'll go off great, and then afterwards is afterprom! Till freaking six AM. That's gonna be a blast. Lock-in at the Y, I believe. It's gonna be great. Anyway, that's all I have to say about prom. Wahoo.
Spring Break:
Spring break is over :/ So sad. I enjoyed it, even though I had school to do during ALL of it! It was nice fun to sleepin so late, and go to bed so late. It was great. But getting back to school wasn't so bad. Albeit, the day itself wasn't the best, the school parts weren't half bad! So it was enjoyable :)
Anyway. I'm gonna go now. This blog feels really jarbled, because I'm listening to music while writing(SORRY C.S. LEWIS!!) But hey, the Fray is awesome. So it's worth it.
I agree wholeheartedly. I mean, sure, it's great to know more and learn more about God, but thats our basis for all that. Everything about God ties into that, I think. He's strong, for instance. And we can see that through the giving of His son. Or his compassion, again, his love for us in giving his son. I dunno. It makes no sense to me that we should just throw that out.:/
Love you bro! See you soon. Which, you were supposed to be here an hour ago, and I don't know where you are. So, you should get here. NOW!!!! haha.
Love your jarbling! And the post. And you! ciao from Roma, your everluvin' Mini Mum
Great post, Mike! I actually read it and thought that the day after you posted it, but then forgot to comment till now. Love you, son!
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