Friday, October 03, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed

So I went to see the movie Eagle Eye tonight with my friend Michael, and my brother. It was a pretty good movie I suppose. Way better than those "top critics" at RottenTomatoes said it was. But it wasn't all my friends had hyped it up to be... I mean it was a pretty neat story and all, very spooky to think about. If our government could really be taken over by a robot? Creepy. But the ending, absolutely un-realistic, absolutely Steven Spielberg. There was no question about it. Once you see that ending, it screams Steven Spielberg. And the ending sucked. No offense meant to Mr. Spielberg, he's made some amazing movies. But his endings can be a little, happily ever after. Which never really happens. I won't spoil the ending for you, but it's a little lame. It was really good to hang with my friend Michael though, hadn't seen him in awhile.

So I am yet again drawn to the computer, while yet again procrastinating from school work. Although this time, it's 11 at night. I have twenty pages to read in Tale Of Two Cities before tomorrow, and then do a bit of writing about them. I feel ever so plagued with all my school work, I can never seem to get it all done. It's a bit sad. But so many things draw me away.

At the moment, I am at, checking out songs that relate to Radiohead's song, "Videotape". Re-fell in love with Radiohead today, not quite sure why, but I love their music! It's so soothing and beautiful. I definitely would kill to see them in concert! Anyway, Pandora's actually come up with some pretty good songs that are like "Videotape". I highly reccomend checking out Pandora, it's an amazing website! I'm hooked.

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