Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Wrath of the Green Destiny

So here I sit, at 1 PM, attempting to do physics homework, but ever being drawn to the computer. Isn't procrastination an interesting thing? In your mind, you know what you have to do. Yet why don't you do it? For things more fun. As a kid-teenager, I think this idea grasps you more than at any other age. The longing for fun over what's needed to be done. I would greatly hope this doesn't carry on into later life. How would man ever get anything done? Would Edison have discovered electricity if he had been longing for fun rather than what he needed to be doing for work? Would Robert Oppenheimer have worked on the Manhattan project, and helped to end World War II, if he were longing for pleasure rather than work? How is it that teenagers and children can long so much after their own desires that they won't do what needs to be done? It's almost sickening. Yet how can I say that, I'm doing the exact same thing I'm speaking against? It's ridiculous, yet I think it's part of everyone's natural life. Procrastinators often, not all the time, still tend to get high scores in school. I'm a heavy procrastinator, but I've never had less than a B in school. So I don't think it's necessarily even the procrastination that causes these students to fail, it's the lack of want for school, or work. Many procrastinators still have the want to do their school, otherwise they would deny procrastinating! We want to do our school, yet having fun seems more appealing!
Now that I think about it, it's very confusing. But I need to get back to my school. :)

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