Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Small Step for Man...

Well, really, it's been more like three huge steps for Mikey. But I think it still equivelates to about one giant leap for this whole missions trip.

In the cockpit of this giant leap is probably the biggest thing that will take me out there. Literally and figuratively. We booked our plane tickets! Malcolm, my Mum, Mama McAfee, and I all have tickets to fly in to Paris on September 1st! Which, if I may say so, is going to be simply awesome. It'll be sizzling all over again! And you know what happens to Paris When it Sizzles. Basically, it's awesome. Audrey Hepburn, I love you!

In this plane metaphor I have going, the next thing is first class. Now, unfortunately we aren't literally flying first class. But the metaphor works, so we press forward.
While this isn't as major of a step in largeness(they were actually rather small pills), it was very important to get done, and get done it did. I finally finished taking my Typhoid pills. Now I won't get sick and die. That's something to celebrate for sure. I still have more shots to get though, but I got three down!

And finally, that brings us to second class, third class, and baggage..class. This is probably the most exciting thing for me so far. Wait for it...

Wait for it...

I graduated!!! That's right; no more high school for me! I'm done and done. And done again. I'm happily and thankfully never going back again. I had my last day at co-op this past Monday, which involved crazy trekking through the woods, and absolutely no school. So now, it's officially no more.

My dad and mum both spoke at the graduation. It was pretty sweet. You can see the speech dad gave here:
That's my momma's blog. But I just want to say, congrats to all the grads who graduated with me, and thanks for being so awesome, and being my friends! I hope we never lose touch.

Oh, and to put the icing on the cake. I got my camera! The Panasonic HDC TM-700. Let's just say, it's pretty darn sexy. I haven't filmed anything with it yet(other than miscellaneous nothings), but I'm excited to do so!

So, things are well on their way to being completed. Only three and a half months!

Auf Wiedersehen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't think you need an airplane, Mikey. You are already "flying high!"